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英语是一种语言,也是一种交际工具,学习英语需要好的英语环境。而我们生活的环境不是英语环境,这对小学生学习英语是极为不利的,尤其是对于小学生英语口语能力的培养。因此,作为小学英语教师,要积极创设一些情境,并加以引导,让学生在实际生活中抓住时机,充分运用英语进行交流。这样学生学习英语就不会感到枯燥、乏味,而会认为英语与实际生活联系密切。因此,他们就会用积极的心态参与到英语学习中来。那么如何创设生活环境,引导学生积极参与英语学习活动呢?以下是我在教学过程中的几点体会: English is a language, but also a communicative tool, learning English requires a good English environment. The environment we live in is not an English environment, which is extremely unfavorable for primary school students to learn English, especially for primary school students’ oral English ability. Therefore, as a primary school English teacher, we should actively create some situations and guide them so that students will seize the opportunity in actual life and make full use of English to communicate with each other. Such students learn English will not feel boring, boring, but will think English and real life are closely linked. Therefore, they will participate actively in English learning with a positive attitude. So how to create a living environment and guide students to actively participate in English learning activities? The following is my experience in the teaching process:
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