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近年来血竭伪品时有发现。仅凭“进标”上的几项检查很难识别。现以一检品(来自药材贸易市场)为例,将我们的检查方法作一介绍。按“进标”作了各项检查,除灰分和醇不溶物较高外,其余与“进标”仅略有差异,难以定真伪。我们根据有关资料介绍:血竭含血竭素、血竭红素。为此特作如下检查: 1.血竭素的检查:取样品的1%乙醚浸提液2ml,加乙醚3ml稀释,再加稀盐酸1ml振摇,分层后稀盐酸层对照品(血竭)为黄色,而检品无色。再加10%醋酸钠溶液4ml振摇,对照品乙醚层又变为橙红色,分取乙醚层加氢氧化钾试液4ml振摇,氢氧化钾层呈橙红色,而检品无上述现象。2.血竭红素的检查:取样品的5%乙醇(95%)浸提液10ml,加稀盐酸5ml混匀,析出棕黄色沉淀。放置后,凝成棕黑色树脂状物。 In recent years, there have been discoveries of Blood Deception. Only a few checks on the “advancement” are difficult to identify. Taking a sample (from the medicine trade market) as an example, we will introduce our inspection method. According to the “advanced standards”, various inspections were made. Except for high ash content and alcohol-insoluble matter, the rest was only slightly different from the “advanced standard” and it was difficult to determine the authenticity. According to the relevant information, we have included: Dragon’s Blood contains Drechhorn and Hemoglobin. For this special examination as follows: 1.Dracorhodin inspection: Take a sample of 1% ether extract 2ml, add diethyl ether 3ml diluted, add dilute hydrochloric acid 1ml shake, stratified diluted hydrochloric acid reference substance (Dragon ) is yellow, and the test product is colorless. After adding 40% sodium acetate solution 4ml to shake, the diethyl ether layer of the reference substance turned orange-red, and the ether layer plus potassium hydroxide test solution 4ml was shaken. The potassium hydroxide layer was orange-red, and the test product had no such phenomenon. 2. Examination of hemoglobin: take 10ml of 5% ethanol (95%) of the sample and add 5ml of dilute hydrochloric acid to mix and precipitate brownish yellow precipitate. After standing, it was browned into black resin.
目的 探讨TTV病毒在不明原因肝炎中的意义及其所致肝损害的临床特征。方法 套式聚合酶链反应检测血清TTV病毒DNA并对TTV病毒阳性病例进行临床分析。结果 病原不明肝炎中TTV 病毒感染率为38-6
秋冬腊月,不少人手脚皱纹处裂开,取香椿树油(香椿树皮层自动流出的汁液凝固体)一团,用温水润湿表面,再用刀刃轻轻地将油刮一下敷于患处,以 In the fall and winter months