Influence of wettability of shaly sandstone on rock electricity parameters

来源 :世界地质(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:doodoo
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It has been found that the existence of chlorite and illite will lead to the rock wettability of oil affinity.Chlorite and illite are developed in shaly sandstone of Yingcheng Formation in Longfengshan area,the saturation index n of 7 rock samples is very high,with the highest of 14.57,whereas the cementation index m is low.The X-ray diffraction of clay and whole rock analysis of 7 shaly sandstone samples are carried out,and the relationship between chlorite and illite content vs.m and n is established.It is concluded that the low m value and high n value are caused by the wettability of rock.In order to verify the influence of wettability on the parameters of rock electricity,this paper discusses the method of making artificial shaly sandstone and the control of wettability.This study provides certain reference for determining the saturation model of shaly sandstone and improving the logging interpretation accuracy of shaly sandstone reservoirs.
一  我是农民的儿子。父亲生于解放初期,兄弟五六个当中,他是唯一没有上过学的,12岁就开始给生产队放羊挣工分。叔伯当中,有当乡镇干部的,有当教师的,有当工人的,而父亲则是面朝黄
夜,深了。  我却没有一丝的睡意。抬头仰望苍穹,一轮明月正高高悬挂在你的方向。  点开那首《真的好想你》,让那如水般的乐曲流入我的心房。  晚风习习,送来了夜的馨香。 
二十多年前屋顶瞥现的天轿  清晰幻影是今夜的点缀  村庄的风伴着我们成长  二十年同胞同是妈妈的一块肉  凛冽寒风吹打的淅沥路上  们蹒跚走过的这许风雨  诀别
暑假开始了,我在贵阳、遵义漂泊半月之久,试着找所谓的工作啊!在不能“混”下去的时候--烈日为伴,拖着沉重的行囊、迈着沉重的步伐的我回了湄潭。  湄潭真好,有家的温暖。一个幼
(这个超短剧改编自《郑伯克段于鄢》,但情节与主题已与《左传》中原文有极大差别。)  时间:古代  地点:中原某国  人物:王--城府颇深,心狠手辣;大夫宜生--忠君报国懂得妥协的士
爱与恨都被一支曲子  拉成了耳边的残余  聆听你的死者,  从深爱你的暮色中消失  日子啊