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党的十三大已经胜利闭幕,政治体制改革已提到日程上来,这对我们的新闻宣传的改革又是新的促进因素,成为新的原动力。我们要抓住这个有利条件,结合前段改革实践,积极研究探讨深化报纸改革的问题,以推进宣传改革,搞好改革宣传。我们张家口日报,通过近几年在宣传改革中的实 The 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has already victoriously concluded. The reform of the political system has been mentioned on the agenda. This is another new impetus to the reform of our news propaganda and has become a new driving force. We must seize this favorable condition and, in combination with the reform practice in the preceding paragraph, actively study and discuss the issue of deepening newspaper reform so as to promote publicity and reform and improve reform and publicity. We, Zhangjiakou Daily, passed the propaganda and reform in recent years
To better understand the difference and the utilization of the major volatile compounds from the peels and seeds of papaya in Hainan, the volatile oils extracte
Three plant binary expression vectors-pNAR501,pNAR502 and pNAR503-were constructed,carrying fragments of exon2-exon3,5’partial deletion exonl and 5’partial de
第二种:交叉式采访方法所谓交叉式采访方法,即在同一时间内报道两个以上不同地方发生的新闻事件,要交叉进行采访的一种方法。运用交叉采访方法,一般有这样两种情况: 一种情