
来源 :山西农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoxuan415315
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天镇县高寒干旱,种植大白菜气候条件很差,有史以来从来有过好收成.我们针对这种情况,改进了栽培技术,在小麦收获后进行复播,连续三年获得成功,1987—1989年三年播种面积分别为350、553和2525亩,亩均产量为5500、6800和7500公斤,亩收入500—800元。 1.选用耐热抗病品种我县7月底8月初正是大白菜播种和幼苗期,平均气温为22.4℃和20.6℃,比我省中南部大白菜产区平均气温都低。按理说,病毒病的发生应该轻,然而事实相反,病毒病流行最严重,这是因我县属大陆性气候,每日15时气温过高,有时地表温度高达60℃以上。我们先后引进21个较抗病品种进行试种,结果晋菜3号耐热抗病毒能力最强,便把它作为主栽品种。 2.地膜覆盖地膜覆盖大白菜,由于生长前期 Tianzhen County, cold and arid, the cultivation of Chinese cabbage poor weather conditions, history has never been a good harvest. We in response to this situation, improved cultivation techniques, after the harvest in the wheat compound, success for three consecutive years, 1987-1989 The three-year sowing area is 350,553 and 2525 mu respectively, and the average yield per mu is 5500, 6800 and 7500 kilograms, and the mu income is 500-800 yuan. 1. Selection of heat-resistant varieties resistant county early July at the beginning of August is the cabbage sowing and seedling stage, the average temperature of 22.4 ℃ and 20.6 ℃, lower than the average temperature in central and southern cabbage producing areas in our province. It stands to reason that the incidence of viral diseases should be light, but the fact is the opposite, the virus epidemic is the most serious, which is due to my county is a continental climate, 15 o’clock daily temperature is too high, and sometimes the surface temperature up to 60 ℃ above. We have introduced more than 21 varieties tested for resistance, the results of the third heat-resistant antiviral capacity of Jinzhou 3 strongest, they put it as the main cultivars. 2 plastic film mulching cover Chinese cabbage, due to early growth