随着社会主义市场经济的确立与完善, 企业管理体制改革的不断深化,特别是企业的合并、分工、破产转制等产权形式的剧烈变化,这些变化对企业档案管理工作带来一定的影响。企业改制后档案的归属和流向应视其种类、价值、特点等区别对待,做到具体问题具体分析,不能搞“一刀切”,其中一个重要的手段就是由国家综合档案馆“寄存”。
With the establishment and improvement of the socialist market economy, the reform of the enterprise management system has been deepening. In particular, dramatic changes have taken place in the forms of property rights such as the merger, division of labor and bankruptcy and restructuring of enterprises. These changes have had an impact on the management of enterprise archives. The ownership and flow of archives after the enterprise restructuring should be treated as different according to their category, value and characteristics, so that concrete analysis of specific problems can not be carried out and “one size fits all” can not be carried out. One of the important measures is to “deposit” the national archives.