生于1944年的拉斯·努列(Lars Norén),是瑞典当代最重要的剧作家,同他热爱并深入研究的美国剧作家尤金·奥尼尔一样,努列也生长在一个旅店里。4岁时,因父母经营一家乡镇旅馆,而举家从他的出生地斯德哥尔摩南迁至斯科南省,旅店的人来人往从未让努列找到家的安全感,却让他过早地观看了一出接一出的人间悲喜剧。在他的“家庭旅店三部曲”中,努列反复书写的都是由父母、哥哥以及他自己构筑的家庭困境与生存之谜。同奥尼尔的自传体剧作《进入黑夜的漫长旅程》一样,努列的三部曲《黑夜是白天的母亲》(Natten r dagens mor,1982年首演)、《混沌与上帝为邻》(Kaos r granne med Gud,1982),还有《静止》(Stillheten,1984),也都是自传性的。努列有酗酒的父亲,积劳成疾的母亲,热爱着诗
Lars Norén, born in 1944, is one of the most important playwrights in Sweden. Like Eugene O’Neill, the American dramatist whom he loved and studied deeply, Nullé grew up in a hotel. When he was 4 years old, his parents ran a hotel in a town, and his family moved south from Stockholm, where he was born, to Skarna Province. People in the hotel never let him find a sense of security in his home, Watched one after another on the human tragedy and comedy. In his “family hotel trilogy ”, Nuole repeated written by the parents, brother and himself to build the family dilemma and the mystery of life. Like O’Neill’s autobiographical play “A Long Journey Into the Dark,” Nuer’s trilogy “Natten r dagens mor,” premiered in 1982, “Chaos neighbors with God” ( Kaosten gran med med, 1982) and Stillheten (1984), all of which are autobiographical. Nuria has an alcoholic father, overworked mother, love poetry