1947年夏,刘邓首长遵照党中央、毛主席的指示,率晋冀鲁豫野战军主力部队第一、二、三、六4个纵队,约13万人,千里跃进大别山,将解放战争由内线作战转到外线作战。这是夺取解放战争胜利的一个重大步骤。 为了促进刘邓大军在大别山站稳脚跟,经略中原,晋冀鲁豫军区奉党中央的指示,将太行、太岳、冀南、冀鲁豫4个军区的部队及原中原军区部队,编为第八、九、十、十一、十二5个纵队,相继南下,加入中原作战的行列,支援刘邓大军作战。我当时任晋冀鲁豫野战军司令部参谋处处长,随十纵一道南下,于12月到达湖北省应山县(今广水市)北部的浆溪店。 12月13日,十纵在浆溪店召开团以上干部会议,宣布我为桐柏军区第三分区司令员。会议还确定十纵29旅的领导机关及所属部队85团、86团(87团已调归二分区所属)为三分区的领导机关及所属部队,李定灼为三地委书记兼分区第二政委,吴罡为三地委
In the summer of 1947, in accordance with the instructions of the party Central Committee and Chairman Mao, head of the Liu and Deng dynasties led the first, second, third and sixth four columns of the main forces of the Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Shandong-Field Field Army to about 130,000 to leap into the Dabie Mountains in a thousand miles and to transform the Liberation War from the inside Operations go outside operations. This is a major step toward winning the victory of the Liberation War. In order to promote the army of Liu and Deng in gaining a foothold in the Dabie Mountain, the Central Plains, Jin-Ji-Lu-Yu Military Region and the CPC Central Committee’s directives will be the Taihang, Taiyue, Jinan, Shandong-Henan Military Region and the former Central Plains Military Region, For the eighth, nine, ten, eleven, twelve five columns, one after another to join the ranks of fighting in the Central Plains to support the army of Liu Deng Deng combat. At that time, I was chief of staff of the commander of the Field Army of the Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Shandong-Henan Military Region and went southward with the 10th vertical. In December, I arrived at the Jianxi Branch in the north of Yingshan County (now Guangshui) in Hubei Province. On December 13, the 10th vertical held a cadre meeting above the regiment in Syjiang Branch and announced that I was Commander of the Third Division of the Tongbai Military Region. The meeting also determined that the leading bodies of the ten vertical 29 brigades and the 85th regiment and the 86th regiment of their subordinate units (the 87th regiment has been transferred to the second divisional subordination) are the leading organs and their subordinate units in the third subregion, and Li Dingzhuo is the secretary of the three prefectures and the second Political commissar, Wu Gang for the three prefectural commissions