《四川省商品交易市场管理条件》经四川省人大常委会审议通过,标志着这个省将商品交易市场的管理和建设纳入法制轨道。 这个《条例》规定,依法设立的市场其合法权益和正当交易活动受法律保护,任何组织和个人不得非法占用市场场地设施和非法干预市场经营活动;商品经营者有权拒绝乱收费和各种形式的摊派;经营者入场从事经营
The “Management Conditions for Sichuan’s Commodity Exchange Market” was approved by the Standing Committee of the Sichuan Provincial People’s Congress and marked the province’s inclusion of the management and construction of the commodity trading market into the legal system. This “Regulations” stipulates that legally established markets and their legitimate rights and interests and legitimate trading activities are protected by law. No organization or individual may illegally occupy market venues and facilities and illegally intervene in market operations; commodity operators have the right to refuse arbitrary charges and various forms. Appointed; operators enter the market to engage in operations