中国报业有一家“百年老店”,不仅至今健在,而且将于近期做百岁寿庆。 业界对这家老店的一致赞誉是:爱国。开始颇不以为然,认为爱国和说中国话一样应是本分,原没有赞誉的道理。转念一想也就释然,百年中,卖国求荣者有之,认贼作父者有之,数典忘祖者有之,逆来顺受者更有之,而且如此人等还在前赴后继。比较起来,能够在风云
China Newspaper has a “century-old”, not only alive now, but also will do a hundred years of sunshine in the near future. The industry’s unanimous praise for this old shop is: Patriotic. Start quite disapproval, think patriotism and say the same should be the part of the Chinese, the original no praise. If you think about it, then you will be relieved. In a hundred years, there will be begging for the traitorous country. If you think of a thief as a father, there will be more of those who forget the ancestors. In comparison, can be in the situation