1995年4月30日10时许,记者在武昌三角塘“工商”蔬菜批发市场一号摊位,看到好几吨有棱的老南瓜堆了一地,大的约30公斤;小的也在10公斤上下。东西虽然逗人爱,买者却寥寥。市场员杨大山介绍,25日刚运来时,每公斤叫价两元,现在降到一元左右,亏损已成定局。 摊主是来自河南省禹州市的农民田金义和赵秋荣。他俩拿出海关税票等介绍说,这批怪样老南瓜,是他们五个同乡于22日赶到越南胡志明市,凑2.4万多元,从“独家经营”的角度,“集体”决
On April 30, 1995, at 10 o’clock on the afternoon of April 30, reporters at No. 1 booth at the “Commercial and Industrial” Vegetable Wholesale Market in Triangle Tong, Wuchang saw a few tons of old, squashy pumpkins piled around, a big one about 30 kilos and a small one at 10 Kg up and down. Although cute things, but a handful of buyers. Market introduction Yang Dashan, 25 had just shipped, bid two yuan per kilogram, and now down to about one yuan, the loss is a foregone conclusion. The stallholders came from farmers Yu Jinyi and Zhao Qiurong in Yuzhou City, Henan Province. The two introduced the customs tax stamps and said that these strange old pumpkins arrived in Ho Chi Minh City of Vietnam on the 22nd for a total of more than 24,000 yuan from the “exclusive”