中国塑料行业盛会——第16届中国塑料交易会招展工作日前已全面展开。时间:2016年10月12日-15日地点:浙江台州市国际会展中心(浙江省台州市路桥区腾达路台州市国际会展中心路桥世纪广场旁)第十六届中国塑料交易会设原料、机械、模具、制品四大展馆,展览面积约35 000 m2,展位1 600个,预计将有600家企业参展。「中国塑料交易会」在各位新老客户的鼎力支持下,历经15年的发展壮大,已成为全面展示中国塑料产业状况的窗口,是中国塑料行业内第一家展示塑
China Plastics Industry Summit - The 16th China Plastics Fair breeze job has been in full swing. Time: October 12-15, 2016 Venue: Zhejiang Taizhou International Convention and Exhibition Center (next to Luqiao Century Plaza, Taizhou International Convention and Exhibition Center, Tengda Road, Taizhou, Zhejiang) The 16th China Plastics & Plastic Fair , Molds and products four exhibition halls, the exhibition area of about 35 000 m2, booth 600, is expected to have 600 exhibitors. With the full support of new and old customers, the “China Plastics Fair” has become a window displaying the status of China’s plastics industry in full swing after 15 years of development. It is the first plastic exhibition in the plastics industry in China