
来源 :旅游纵览(下半月) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:menglimengwaiszy
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旅游业是一项关联度高、涉及面广、拉动力强、参与者众的综合性产业,也是一个发展最强劲,富民又富地方的综合性产业。近年来,瓜州县积极推进文化与旅游的融合,深入挖掘历史文化内涵,面向市场开发旅游资源,旅游发展取得了一定的成效。但是瓜州旅游资源品位不足,吸引力较小,景点规模小,档次低等问题严重制约瓜州旅游业发展。通过对瓜州旅游资源和旅游开发现状的分析,提出实现旅游业持续发展的对策和建议。 Tourism is a comprehensive industry with a high degree of relevance, a wide range of activities, a strong driving force and a large number of participants. It is also a comprehensive industry with the strongest development and a wealthy and rich place. In recent years, Guazhou County actively promote the integration of culture and tourism, dig deep historical and cultural connotation, market-oriented development of tourism resources, tourism has achieved some success. However, the quality of tourism resources in Guazhou, less attractive, attractions small scale, low grade and other issues seriously restrict the development of tourism in Guazhou. Through the analysis of the status quo of tourism resources and tourism development in Guazhou, the countermeasures and suggestions to realize the sustainable development of tourism are put forward.
Asahara等[1]1997年首次在Science杂志提出血管内皮祖细胞(endothelial progenitor cell,EPC)以来,有关EPC的研究日益增多.EPC是血管内皮细胞的前体细胞,又称为血管母细胞(angioblast),不仅参与胚胎血管生成,而且最近几年研究发现,EPC也参与出生后的血管发生过程,提示它在缺血性疾病、防止血管再狭窄、血管创伤愈合等过程中的重要治疗作用和广阔