
来源 :语文教学通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hesehuzi
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九年义务教育法要求提高初中学生的巩固率、合格率和优秀率。这三个“率”,关键是合格率。合格率逐步提高,学生看到成效,增强了信心,巩固率、优秀率也能保证。笔者1987年9月任我校划地段招生义务教育第二届初中语文教学,三年中,合格率逐步提高。毕业考试合格率达96%,平均74.3分,均为全区第一(由区命题,统一阅卷)。提高合格率决非件易事,它要求教师不但要教得得法,更要满腔热情、持久地去调动差生的非智力因素,这是提高初中语文合格率的关键。经过对语文差生的谈心、座谈、访问家长和小学老师等调查发现,造成语文差生不是智力因素,按语文差生的话来讲,是由于他们“语文越读越怕读”,“读语文没趣相”。很清楚,这些同学的 The Nine-year Compulsory Education Law requires that the consolidation rate, pass rate and excellent rate of junior high school students be improved. The key to these three “rates” is the pass rate. With a gradual increase in the passing rate, students can see results and strengthen their confidence. Consolidation rates and excellent rates can also be guaranteed. In September 1987, the author was appointed as the second junior high school Chinese language education for enrollment compulsory education in my school district. In three years, the qualification rate gradually increased. The passing rate of the graduation exam reached 96%, with an average of 74.3 points, and it was the first in the whole district (by the district proposition, unified marking). Raising the pass rate is not an easy task. It requires teachers not only to teach well, but also to enthusiastically and persistently mobilize the non-intellectual factors of poor students. This is the key to improving the pass rate of junior high school Chinese. After investigations into poor language students, discussions, visits to parents, and elementary school teachers, it was found that students with poor language are not intellectual factors. In terms of poor language, they are due to the fact that they are “read more and more afraid of reading” and “there is no interest in reading Chinese”. . It is clear that these classmates
几年来,我摸索到一种提高学生兴趣检验教学效果的好方法——学生互相出题测验。该方法的具体步骤是:一个单元教学结束后,我就要求学生 Over the past few years, I have ex
我热爱希腊与希腊人民,爱琴海上的明蓝风光和雅典城上的紫云冠时萦脑际……每天早上,我展开希腊文学书卷,别的事全部置诸脑后,我感到这是我生平的最大幸福……——罗念生 I