
来源 :激光与光电子学进展 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jql002
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86年6月底,战略防御倡议局终于把交给国会的1986年度报告公布于众.人们对这份报告等了很长的时间.很遗憾,这份起草于4月份的187页报告几乎不值得等待.与去年的报告相比,它在概括性部分上显得冗长,而在技术细节上令人失望.这份报告吸引人的特点是比较强调天基激光器的潜力.以前该局的报告倾向于集中在由天基反射镜反射陆基自由电子激光器的逻辑推理优点上. At the end of June 1986, the Bureau for Strategic Defense Initiative finally released the 1986 annual report to the National Assembly and it took a long time for the report to be made. Unfortunately, the drafting was not worth the 187 pages of the April report Waiting. Compared with last year’s report, it is tedious in generalization and disappointing in technical details, and the appealing feature of this report is that it emphasizes the potential of space-based lasers. Previously, its report tended to Focus on the logical reasoning advantages of land-based free-electron lasers reflected by space-based mirrors.
1    夏林娜用铅笔不停地敲自己的脑门。夏林娜!多么小家碧玉婀娜多姿的名字,怎么偏偏生了一个马大哈性格呢?   她不止一次向同桌苏岩凯抱怨:“准是父亲马马虎虎大大咧咧的基因遗传给了我,17岁的我好歹也是眉清目秀窈窕美女一个,可大家却偏偏喊我‘夏娜’,生生把‘林’字给砍掉了,知道‘夏娜’是谁吗?动漫《灼眼的夏娜》里的‘超级女汉子’!”   可想而知,有几个男生会喜欢女汉子?   但就在昨天放学,夏