我院于1975年2月抢救成功小儿急性乙醇中毒一例。现介绍如下: 患儿黄××,男,6岁,因喝酒后昏迷、抽搐15小时,于1975年2月22日上午10时30分急诊入院。其父代诉:昨天上午,患儿在去其外婆家的途中因饥、渴而陆续喝下随身带的自酿酒(约30度)半斤多,下午开始面部潮红,说话含糊,步态蹒跚。当晚7时许即昏迷深睡。至半夜,患儿出现抽搐、呼吸不规则,天明后由其父急送我院治疗。病后无呕吐,亦无大小便失禁;病前无外伤史。过去体健,无饮酒习惯。检查:体温37.6℃,呼吸28次/分,脉搏72次/分,神志不清,被动体位,呼吸不规则,呼气未闻酒味,四肢间歇性强直性抽搐,皮
Our hospital in February 1975 to rescue a successful case of acute ethanol poisoning in children. Are introduced as follows: Children × ×, male, 6 years old, coma after drinking, convulsions 15 hours, at 22:30 on February 22, 1975 emergency admission. His father’s lawsuit: Yesterday morning, the children went to their grandmother’s way due to hunger and thirst and gradually drank the self-brewed wine (about 30 degrees) more than half a catty more, the afternoon began to face flushing, vague, staggering gait . 7 o’clock that night that coma deep sleep. To midnight, children with convulsions, irregular breathing, after dawn by his father sent to our hospital for treatment. No vomiting after illness, nor incontinence; no history of trauma. Past physical health, no drinking habits. Check: body temperature 37.6 ℃, breathing 28 beats / min, pulse 72 beats / min, unconsciousness, passive position, irregular breathing, expired wine smell, intermittent tetanic convulsions, skin