光学工业兴起于第一次世界大战时期的欧洲。受战争需求和经济利益的驱使,欧洲光学工业迅速发展,成为这事工业不可或缺的组成部分。到了1930年代, 各军事强国都已建立起完善的光学工业体系,能够自行设计和生产各类军用光学器材,连长期保持中立的瑞士也凭借其精密的制造加工工艺,在世界光学市场中稳占一席之地。早在明清时期,中国就有人对光学进行过深入研究,撰写过一些著作,但没有制造光学器材。1930年代初,中国虽然已将各类观瞄器材广范应用于军事领域, 但光学工业仍是一片空白,所有光学产品只能依靠进口,就连简单的维护保养也要送到国外进行。在战争阴云密布的中国大地,周自新、龚祖同等一批中国光学创始人迈出了艰辛的第一步。
The optical industry rose in Europe during the First World War. Driven by war needs and economic interests, the European optical industry developed rapidly and became an indispensable component of this industry. By the 1930s, all military powers had established a complete optical industry system and were able to design and produce all kinds of military optical devices. Even Switzerland, which has long been neutral, has retained its position in the world optical market with its precision manufacturing processes. A place. As early as the Ming and Qing Dynasties, some people in China had conducted in-depth studies of optics and wrote some books, but did not manufacture optical equipment. At the beginning of the 1930s, although China had widely used all types of sight-seeing equipment in the military field, the optical industry was still a blank space. All optical products could only rely on imports. Even simple maintenance was sent to foreign countries. In the overwhelming war of China, Zhou Zixin and Gong Zu took an arduous first step as a group of Chinese optical founders.