清华国学研究院与二十世纪中国学术 纪念清华学校研究院成立八十周年讨论纪要

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八十年前,清华学校成立研究院,聘请王国维、梁启超、赵元任、陈寅恪为导师,号称“国学研究院”。国学院建立的时间虽然不长,但名师荟萃、人才辈出,且正值五四以后新文化运动深入发展之际,因而在二十世纪中国学术发展史上产生了相当影响。不久前,清华大学历史系召开“清华国学研究院与二十世纪中国学术讨论会”,邀请一些中青年学者就这个主题进行讨论。大家畅所欲言,各抒己见。这里发表部分学者的发言摘要,以飨读者。 Eighty years ago, Tsinghua School set up a research institute to employ Wang Guowei, Liang Qichao, Zhao Yuanren and Chen Yinque as their mentors, and they are known as the “Guoxue Studies Institute.” Although it took a while, the establishment of the National Institutes of Higher Learning (TIC) has brought about a great impact on the development of academic history in China in the 20th century at a time when the new-culture movement came into full play after the May Fourth Movement. Not long ago, the Department of History of Tsinghua University convened the “Tsinghua Institute of Sinology and the 20th Century Chinese Symposium” and invited some young and middle-aged scholars to discuss this topic. We speak freely, express their views. Here is a summary of some scholars’ speeches to readers.
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