Pandemic of the aging society — sporadic cerebral small vessel disease

来源 :中华医学杂志英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shpeipei
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Age-related sporadic cerebral small vessel disease (CSVD) has gained increasing attention over the past decades because of its increasing prevalence associated with an aging population. The widespread application of and advances in brain magnetic resonance imaging in recent decades have significantly increased researchers’ understanding in the n in vivo evolution of CSVD, its impact upon the brain, its risk factors, and the mechanisms that explain the various clinical manifestation associated with sporadic CSVD. In this review, we aimed to provide an update on the pathophysiology, risk factors, biomarkers, and the determinants and spectrum of the clinical manifestation of sporadic CSVD.n “,”Age-related sporadic cerebral small vessel disease (CSVD) has gained increasing attention over the past decades because of its increasing prevalence associated with an aging population. The widespread application of and advances in brain magnetic resonance imaging in recent decades have significantly increased researchers’ understanding in the n in vivo evolution of CSVD, its impact upon the brain, its risk factors, and the mechanisms that explain the various clinical manifestation associated with sporadic CSVD. In this review, we aimed to provide an update on the pathophysiology, risk factors, biomarkers, and the determinants and spectrum of the clinical manifestation of sporadic CSVD.n
美国恐怖小说大王斯蒂芬·金    斯蒂芬·金的小说在全球流行一时,被称为美国的恐怖小说之王,而他这些成绩也是得来不易。他出身贫苦,父亲在他幼年时便放弃一家老小离家出走,让这个家庭失去可以依靠的支柱。  斯蒂芬毕业后,做了老师,收入菲薄。为了贴补家用,他开始写一些神鬼古怪小说。创作初期,他的小说投给一些通俗趣味的神奇故事杂志,采用后每篇稿费35美元。养家困难,加上他又酗酒,全家生活拮据,捉襟见肘,为