读罢《图书馆与舞厅》一文,感受颇深。的确,舞厅的车水马龙和图书馆的寂寞冷落,对照鲜明,反差甚大。何以造成这种情况,原因怕是多方面的,内部阅览收费可谓其一吧? 我市图书馆历史悠久,藏书众多,尤其地方志确居全省之冠。前些年,只要开封单位介绍信,便可前往查阅。我的假日大多在那里度过的,实在获益非浅。不知从何时起,社会上兴起“有偿服务”来,
Read the “library and ballroom,” a text, deep feelings. Indeed, the ballroom busy and lonely library cold, the contrast, a great contrast. Why should cause this kind of situation, the reason is afraid of many aspects, the internal reading fees can be described as one? The city library has a long history, a large collection of books, especially local chronicles is the highest in the province. A few years ago, as long as Kaifeng unit introduction letter, you can go to check. Most of my holidays are spent there, it really benefits. Since then, I do not know since the rise of “paid services” in society,