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猴年未到,中国股市便提前感染上了新年的"特征"--上蹿下跳。在9月24日上证指数冲高至1496.21点、深证成指冲高至3649.88点后,依靠温总理讲话而催生的"9.14"行情迅速回落。11月23日,上证指数和深证成指再度以两根阴线的收盘为后市抹上了一层阴影。 与此同时,中国股市正进入一轮空前强大的政府做多周期。显然,市场自顾自的走势已经与基本面发生了明显
Organic non-linear optical crystal diphenyl urea with molecular formula C13H12N2O was synthesized and grown successfully by slow evaporation solution growth tec
A quantitative research was conducted at Tschudi mine, Tsumeb, Namibia with its main drive being to determine the influence that density and blast parameters ha
在美国斯坦福大学做过博士后研究的物美集团总裁张文中,不管是在全国“两会”上,还是在各种企业峰会,总是抓住一切机会传播自己的观点:中国经济对外依存度过高,发展民族产业刻不容缓;流通渠道是一个国家的经济命脉,流通渠道的丧失必然导致对产业控制权的丧失;尽快合并内外资所得税是当务之急等等。这位“生在毛泽东时代,长于邓小平时代”的民营企业家身上,总有着一股浓烈的民族振兴情结。    我是学习工科的,1992
This work was carried out with the aim of using alloying and ageing processes to develop new alloys from grey cast iron that will have optimum properties suitab
This paper presents the results of the characterization by thermogravimetric analysis of a new composite material called polymeric concrete. The polymeric concr
Since former president Obama of America put forward the concept of 3D printing or additive manufacturing, it had been putting into use rapidly and getting accep
In this work, the potentials of Bambusa vulgaris grown in southeast Nigeria for the manufacture of wood-cement composite panels were studied. Representative cul