本文选用采自辽宁某矿的天然钠基蒙脱石与两株异化铁还原菌模式菌株Shewanella putrefaciensCN32和She-wanellaoneidensisMR-1,研究了蒙脱石与微生物之间的交互作用。结果表明这两株菌均能还原蒙脱石晶格中的三价铁,使微生物作用于蒙脱石之后的反应体系中二价铁离子浓度明显升高,反应悬浊液颜色由无色变为浅绿色。透射电子显微镜晶格条纹像显示微生物作用后的粘土矿物微结构发生明显变化,其层间距d001值从1.29 nm分别减小为1.06 nm(CN32)和1.02nm(MR-1)。上述结果综合指示这两株异化铁还原菌能够通过还原天然蒙脱石结构中的三价铁促进矿物发生物相转变。
In this paper, the natural sodium montmorillonite and two strains of iron-reducing bacteria Shewanella putrefaciens CN32 and She-wanellaoneidensisMR-1 collected from a mine in Liaoning Province were used to study the interaction between montmorillonite and microorganisms. The results showed that both strains could restore the ferric ion in the lattice of montmorillonite, and the bivalent iron ion concentration in the reaction system after the microorganism acts on the montmorillonite was obviously increased. The color of the reaction suspension changed from colorless to colorless Light green. Transmission electron microscopy (SEM) showed that the microscopic structure of clay minerals changed obviously after lattice fringes were observed. The d001 value decreased from 1.29 nm to 1.06 nm (CN32) and 1.02 nm (MR-1) respectively. The above results collectively indicate that the two iso-iron reducing bacteria are able to promote the transformation of mineral phases by reducing the ferric iron in the natural montmorillonite structure.