美国垦务局负责设计的美国犹他(Utah)州上静水坝(Upper still water dam)是美国已建和在建的碾压混凝土坝中最高、体积最大的。在设计和施工上有独特之处和先进性,对我国刚起步的碾压混凝土筑坝有一定启发。上静水坝位于犹他州盐湖城(Salf lake city)东南120公里的山区河流上,调节岩石溪(Rock creek)河水,水库库容4085万立方米供远离坝址200公里的城市用水。坝基为石英岩,最大坝高88.39米,坝顶长813.82米,宽9.144米(30呎),中部183米
The Utah State Upper Stillwater dam, designed by the US Bureau of Reclamation, is the tallest and largest of the U.S.-built and under construction RCC dams. In the design and construction of a unique and advanced nature of China’s initial RCC dam construction has some inspiration. Upper Strait Dam Located on a mountain river 120 km southeast of Salf lake city, Utah, it adjusts Rock Creek waters with 40.85 million cubic meters of water for urban use 200 kilometers away from the dam site. The dam foundation is quartzite, the maximum dam height is 88.39 meters, the crest length is 813.82 meters, the width is 9.144 meters (30 feet), the middle is 183 meters