面对新世纪、新形势、新任务,当代中国共产党人应该具有一种什么样的精神状态呢?对此,十六大报告郑重指出,全党同志要始终保持共产党人的蓬勃朝气、昂扬锐气和浩然正气。这一论断具有深刻的历史内涵和强烈的现实意义,需要我们深入领会和认真贯彻。 生机盎然、充满活力、青春洋溢,是谓蓬勃朝气;不避艰险、勇于探索、敢于胜利,是谓昂扬锐气;诚实正直、坚持真理、威武不屈,是谓浩然正气。考诸历史,能将这样三种精神状态集于一身并能贯彻始终的,只有以马克思主义武装起来的共产党人。而共产党人又只有在实践中不断加强党性修养,“善养”其“蓬勃朝气、昂扬锐气和浩然正气”,才能始终走在时代前列,永葆先进性。
In the new century, the new situation and the new tasks, what kind of state of mind should the contemporary Chinese communists have? In this regard, the report of the 16th CPC National Congress solemnly pointed out: Comrades throughout the Party should always maintain the vigorous and exuberant spirit of the Communists And noble and upright. This thesis has profound historical connotation and strong realistic significance, which requires us to deeply understand and implement it conscientiously. Full of vigor and vitality, full of vigor and vitality, is full of vigor and vitality. It means boldness and courage to explore and dare to victory. Taking history as a whole, we can put together these three states of mind and carry out the consistent and only Communists armed with Marxism. Only when Communists continue to strengthen their party spirit in practice and “cultivate” their “vigorous spirit, high spirit and noble spirit” can they always keep ahead of the times and keep the advanced nature forever.