2003年,农历癸未年,年命“杨柳木”,寓“万物催发,新锐初张”之意,癸属水,未属土,水土相克,寓“风云迭起,四海扬波”之兆。以宿命论的观点来看,这一年的天灾人祸、大浪淘沙同样反映到了网球世界,这是一个新老交替,诸候称霸而又混乱激变的年代。 男子网坛无疑是乱中之乱,如传说中的蜀山,“天下未乱蜀先乱,天下已定蜀未定”。阿加西澳网称雄,奈何青春已逝,不复鼎盛;费雷罗笑傲罗兰·加洛斯,却不甘
In 2003, the Chinese calendar year of decay, the life of “willow wood”, containing “everything reminders, cutting-edge initial Zhang,” meaning, is a water, does not belong to the earth, water and soil grams, . From the point of view of fatalism, this year’s natural disasters, Ebb Tide also reflected in the tennis world, this is an old and new, waiting for you to dominate and chaos of the era of chaos. Men’s tennis is undoubtedly chaotic chaos, such as the legendary Shushan, “the world is not chaos Shu chaos, the world has been undetermined Shu.” Agassi, the Australian Open dominated, but since the youth is gone, no longer his heyday; Ferrero smug Roland Garros, but unwilling