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[目的]保障辖区饮食服务行业卫生安全,维护消费者身体健康,为提高餐饮、娱乐行业卫生监管力度提供参考依据。[方法]2008年5月,对贡山县各餐饮、娱乐等行业的餐饮具消毒效果进行抽样检测。[结果]调查123户,餐饮具消毒合格的83户,合格率为67.48%,其中餐厅合格率为56.52%,小吃摊点合格率为56.25%,大小旅馆合格率为94.12%,闲暇娱乐场所合格率为85.71%,烧烤摊点合格率为78.57%,旅馆、闲暇娱乐场所、烧烤摊点合格率高于餐厅和小吃摊点(P<0.05或<0.01);县城单位合格率为67.65%,乡镇单位合格率为66.67%(P>0.05)。检测各类样品242份,合格的181份,合格率为74.79%,其中盘子合格率为50.00%,小碗合格率为66.67%,杯子合格率为90.16%,杯子合格率明显高于小碗和盘子(P<0.01);细菌总数合格率为88.84%,大肠菌群合格率为77.27%(P<0.01)。[结论]贡山县餐饮服务行业餐饮具消毒合格率不高,大肠菌群污染较为严重。 [Objective] To ensure the health and safety of the catering service industry in the area and to safeguard the health of consumers, so as to provide references for improving the health supervision in the catering and entertainment industries. [Method] In May 2008, sampling was carried out on the disinfection effect of tableware in various catering and entertainment industries in Gongshan County. [Results] Investigation of 123 households, 83 households qualified disinfection of tableware with a pass rate of 67.48%, of which the restaurant pass rate was 56.52%, snack pass rate of 56.25%, the size of the hotel pass rate of 94.12%, leisure and entertainment pass rate (85.71%). The passing rate of barbecue stalls was 78.57%. The passing rate of hotels, leisure and entertainment places and barbecue stalls was higher than that of restaurants and snack stalls (P <0.05 or <0.01). The passing rate of county units was 67.65% and that of township units was 66.67% (P> 0.05). 242 kinds of samples were tested and 181 were qualified, the pass rate was 74.79%, of which the passing rate of plate was 50.00%, the passing rate of small bowl was 66.67%, the passing rate of cup was 90.16%, the passing rate of cup was obviously higher than that of small bowl and (P <0.01). The total bacteria passing rate was 88.84% and the coliform passing rate was 77.27% (P <0.01). [Conclusion] The qualified rate of tableware disinfection in Gongshan food service industry was not high, and the coliform pollution was more serious.
摘要 自古以来,中国人就有乐山、乐水、亲近自然的情结,这种山水情结在艺术作品中的具体体现就是山水画,其意境是以气韵生动作为总的精神原则,通过画面、笔墨技法表现出作者的心态,达到超以想象的效果。就山水画意境的特质与功能来说,它在实质上是一种因气韵生动而得以超以“象外”的心画。  关键词:山水画 意境 特质 功能 山水情结  引言  山水画最早出现于六朝时期,至今已经走过了一千五百多年的历史,经过不断
我单位新建的100 m 高钢筋混凝土烟囱,竣工时质量等级为合格。数月后地基发生不均匀沉降,引起基础及筒身倾斜。经质监部门检测,该烟囱筒身垂直度、基础沉降量及基础倾斜值分