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世界无产阶级的领袖和导师马克思和恩格斯详细地研究了中国、印度、伊朗等东方国家的情况,热情地关怀和同情这些国家的革命的发展。给这些国家的革命运动以极高的评价,他们在自己的著作中提出了民族殖民地问题的基本思想,而他们所说的“压迫其它民族的民族是没有自由的”这一至理名言,则表达了这一思想的核心。列宁在帝国主义和无产阶级革命的时代,发展了思克思主义。他在研究殖民地半殖民地革命问题方面,也极大地丰富了马克思主义的宝库。列宁在 The leaders and mentors of the proletariat in the world, Marx and Engels, have studied in detail the situation of the eastern countries such as China, India and Iran and enthusiastically concern and sympathized the revolution in these countries. They gave a very high opinion to the revolutionary movements in these countries. In their writings, they put forward the basic idea of ​​the issue of the national colonies. What they call "the oppression of other nationalities is not free. The heart of this idea. Lenin developed Marxism in the era of imperialism and proletarian revolution. He also greatly enriched the treasury of Marxism in the study of the colonial and semi-colonial revolutionary issues. Lenin is at
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