
来源 :实用儿科临床杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maodaiwan
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目的 探讨急性脊髓炎患儿脊髓MRI特点及其与临床表现、诊断、鉴别诊断及预后的关系。方法 采用西门子MAGETOM 1.5TMR机 ,对 16例病人于发病 1月内行MRI检查 ,并按肿胀程度分为轻重二型。结果  1.全部病人均见脊髓肿胀及T2 WI异常信号 ,5 0 %病人T1WI见异常信号 ;2 .受累节段长 ,平均 5 .6个椎体节段 ;3.MRI显示病变上界比临床定位高 ;4.脊髓肿胀严重者预后差 (P <0 .0 5 )。结论 脊髓MRI检查对急性脊髓炎诊断、鉴别诊断及预后判断有重要意义 Objective To investigate the characteristics of spinal cord MRI in children with acute myelitis and its relationship with clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis and prognosis. Methods Siemens MAGETOM 1.5TMR machine, 16 patients within 1 month of onset MRI examination, according to the degree of swelling is divided into two types of severity. Results 1. All patients had spinal cord swelling and T2WI abnormal signal, 50% of patients with abnormal T1WI signal; 2. The affected segment length, an average of 5.6 vertebral segments; 3.MRI showed the upper limit of disease than the clinical High positioning; 4. Severe spinal cord swelling was poor prognosis (P <0. 05). Conclusion Spinal cord MRI has important significance in the diagnosis, differential diagnosis and prognosis of acute myelitis