We present two deterministic secure quantum communication schemes over a collective-noise. One is used to complete the secure quantum communication against a collective-rotation noise and the other is used against a collective-dephasing noise. The two parties of quantum communication can exploit the correlation of their subsystems to check eavesdropping efficiently. Although the sender should prepare a sequence of three-photon entangled states for accomplishing secure communication against a collective noise,the two parties need only single-photon measurements,rather than Bell-state measurements,which will make our schemes convenient in practical application.
We present two deterministic secure quantum communication schemes over a collective-noise. One is used to complete the secure quantum communication against a collective-rotation noise and the other is used against a collective-dephasing noise. The two parties of quantum communication can exploit the correlation of their subsystems to check eavesdropping efficiently. Although the sender should prepare a sequence of three-photon entangled states for accomplishing secure communication against a collective noise, the two parties need only single-photon measurements, rather than Bell-state measurements, which will make our schemes convenient in practical application.