This article summarizes the treatment of 709 patients with stage I_B cervical squamous cell carcinoma in Norway’s Radiotherapy Hospital from 1967 to 1972. About 90% of patients with invasive cervical cancer in Norway are hospitalized in this hospital. All of the patients cited here Hospitalization and follow-up, so this article can explain the incidence and treatment of cervical cancer in a general population.Norman Radium Therapy Hospital for I_B cervical cancer patients standard treatment is: Endometrial radiotherapy after radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymph nodes Resection .Of the 709 cases, 542 cases were operated 6 weeks after the routine preoperative intraluminal radium therapy; 147 cases were not operated due to age, obesity, pulmonary heart disease, rejection surgery, aortic lymph node metastasis and other diseases , And only to radiotherapy, the specific method is: intraluminal radium A point dose