近 10年来 ,从云南板栗实生群体中 ,选出云良与云珍 2个板栗新品种。嫁接后第 2年进入结实期 ,早熟、丰产 ,坚果商品性状好 ,品质优良 ,平均重 10 g以上。 1999年 4月通过省级鉴定 ,按照《云南省园艺植物新品种注册保护条例》进行新品种注册登记。目前已繁育苗木 12 0余万株 ,推广面积 4 333hm2 (公顷 )
In the recent 10 years, from chestnut seedlings of Yunnan, Yunliang and Yunzhen 2 chestnut new varieties were selected. In the second year after grafting, it enters the period of ripening, early maturity and high yield, and the nut has good traits and good quality with an average weight of 10 g or more. In April 1999 passed the provincial appraisal, in accordance with the “Yunnan Horticultural Plant Variety Registration and Protection Regulations” for new varieties of registration. At present, more than 12 million nursery stock breeds have been breed, with a total area of 4,333hm2 (hectare)