目的:通过比较激素补充治疗(HRT)和中药治疗围绝经期综合征的成本,评估HRT的经济学效益。方法:本研究基于丹麦骨质疏松预防研究(DOPS)模型,以10万名围绝经期妇女为队列,采用成本效果分析法分析一年期和五年期直接治疗成本和间接治疗成本。结果:在疗效同等的假设下,对比中药治疗组HRT组一年期可减少骨折发生例数60例,减少心血管事件发生数188例,五年期减少骨折发生例数298例,减少心血管事件发生数923例;按65%依从性计算,HRT组相比中药治疗组一年期6 631.14万元,可以节约总治疗成本7 295.21万元;五年期可以降低药费28 541.48万元,可以节约总治疗成本31 372.70万元。结论:HRT治疗相比于中药治疗产生的费用更低,且具有良好的远期获益,可以节约卫生资源,减轻患者负担,是治疗围绝经期综合征的较好治疗方案。
OBJECTIVE: To assess the economic benefits of HRT by comparing the costs of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) with traditional Chinese medicine in treating perimenopausal syndrome. METHODS: Based on the Danish Osteoporosis Prevention Study (DOPS) model, a cohort of 100,000 perimenopausal women was enrolled in this study. One-year and five-year direct and indirect treatment costs were analyzed using cost-benefit analysis. Results: Under the same therapeutic effect, compared with the traditional Chinese medicine treatment group, the HRT group could reduce the number of fractures by 60 cases, reduce the number of cardiovascular events by 188 cases, reduce the number of fracture cases by 298 cases in five years, Incidence of 923 cases; calculated by 65% compliance, HRT group compared with the traditional Chinese medicine treatment group 6 631.14 million one-year, you can save the total cost of treatment 7 29521200 yuan; five-year can reduce the medicine 285414800 yuan, Can save the total treatment cost 313727000 yuan. Conclusion: HRT treatment is cheaper than traditional Chinese medicine and has good long-term benefit. It can save health resources and reduce the burden of patients. It is a better treatment for perimenopausal syndrome.