
来源 :水电能源科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ZXYCHENLI
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为研究全长粘结锚杆锚固界面应力传递机理,建立了锚固界面应力计算模型,基于锚固界面弹性状态下锚固体与围岩协调变形假定,构建了锚杆内力与围岩位移之间的数学模型,利用有限元弹塑性数值模拟推导了沿杆长方向锚杆轴力与剪力的分布函数,并考虑接触面的损伤劣化,引入损伤变量,建立了损伤状态下锚杆应力修正与锚固支护效应力学模型。对某水电站地下厂房开挖过程中吊车梁锚杆受力特性的分析结果表明,本文方法合理、有效。 In order to study the stress transfer mechanism of the full-length anchor-anchor interface, a stress calculation model of the anchor interface is established. Based on the assumption of coordinated deformation of the anchor and the surrounding rock under the elastic state of the anchor interface, a mathematics between the internal force of the anchor rod and the displacement of the surrounding rock Model, the distribution function of axial force and shearing force of anchor rod along the length of the rod is deduced by elastoplastic numerical simulation of finite element method, and the damage and damage of the contact surface are considered, the damage variable is introduced, and the stress correction and anchorage of anchor rod are established Protective effect mechanics model. The analysis of the mechanical characteristics of the crane beam during excavation of the underground powerhouse of a hydropower station shows that the method in this paper is reasonable and effective.
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