清嘉道年间,新的西方天文学还未全面传入我国,已传入的部分也处于融化吸收之中。这时期有一批民间天文学家在继承和实际运用天文学上做了许多工作,尤其在天文仪器的制作和天文观察方面取得了一定的成就。齐彦槐即为其中杰出的一员。 50年代,曾有学者据实物就齐彦槐所制“天球仪”作过简略介绍,但将“中星仪”与“天球仪”混淆。其他论及齐彦槐工作的著作也把“天球仪”作为我国的第一具恒星时钟,而事实上,“中星仪”较之更早。
During the Qing dynasty, a new western astronomy was not yet fully introduced into our country. The imported part was also in the process of melting and absorbing. During this period, a group of non-governmental astronomers have done a great deal of work in inheriting and practicing astronomy. In particular, they have made some achievements in the production of astronomical instruments and astronomical observations. Qi Yan Huai is one of the outstanding members. In the 1950s, some scholars once made a brief introduction of the “celestial globe” made by Qi Yanghua, but confused the celestial globe with the celestial globe. Other works on Qi Yanhuai’s work also make the “celestial globe” the first stellar clock in our country. Actually, “celestial ceilings” are earlier.