TOGA-COARE IOP部分观测资料初步分析

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初步分析中国科学院南海海洋研究所《实验3号》科学考察船在TOGA—COARE IOP连续三个航次中部分CTD和ADCP原始观测资料指出:90-210m间大于35的盐度极值除存在准日周期变化外,在量值上还存在约73d的周期变化。但受资料长度的限制,目前尚无法确定上述周期是否属于稳定周期。在上述深度范围内亦存在较低盐度和温度水体侵入现象,其强度存在10—15d的周期变化。等温线和等密度线常出现振幅达10m以上,周期约3d的振荡,而且有时表现出次中尺度涡(submesoscale eddy)及涡旋链特征。比较风、SST、混合层深度间的关系时发现,风强度和大风维持时间对SST和混合层深度的影响很大,如西风暴发过程可使平均SST降低0.5℃左右,使平均混合层深度加深8m以上。分析西风暴发过程及西风暴发后洋流铅垂变化和洋流随时间变化发现,西风暴发过程导致79m以浅深度上的东向射流,且19m深处流动随时间顺时针改向,79m深处流动随时间逆时针方向改向。 Preliminary analysis of some CTD and ADCP raw observations made by the 3rd Scientific Research Vessel of the South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences during the three consecutive voyages of TOGA-COARE IOP indicated that the salinity extremes greater than 35 between 90-210 m were present on the same day In addition to the cyclical changes, there is a period of about 73d in magnitude. However, due to the limitation of data length, it is not yet certain whether the above period belongs to a stable period. In the above depth range there is also a phenomenon of intrusion of lower salinity and temperature of water bodies, with a periodic variation of 10-15 days. Isotherms and iso-density lines often oscillate at amplitudes of up to 10 m with periods of about 3 d, and sometimes exhibit submesoscale eddy and vortex chain characteristics. Comparing the relationship between wind, SST and depth of mixing layer, it is found that wind intensity and gale holding time have a great influence on the depth of SST and mixed layer. For example, during the westerly outbreak, the average SST can be reduced by about 0.5 ℃, and the average mixed layer depth Deepen more than 8m. Analysis of the westerly onset process and changes of vertical current and ocean current over time after the westerly onset found that the westerly onset led to an eastward jet at a shallow depth of 79 meters, and the flow at depth of 19 meters was redirected clockwise with time, reaching 79 meters Flow reverses counterclockwise with time.
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