豫玉 2 9号 (原名周单 4号 ) ,是周口地区农科所于 1994年用自选系 950 1作母本 ,8340选 4- 1作父本杂交而成的高产、多抗玉米杂交种。19 99年 4月通过河南省农作物品种审定委员会审定命名。1 亲本选配豫玉 2 9号的杂交组合为 950 1× 8340选 4 -1,两个亲本自交系均为自选系。
No.29 Yuyu (formerly Zhoudan No.4) is a high-yielding and multi-resistant maize hybrid produced by the Zhoukou Regional Agricultural Science Institute in 1994 with the optional line 9501 as the female parent and the 8340 selection as the male parent. . 1999 April by the Henan Provincial Crop Variety Certification Committee validated named. 1 parent matching Yuyu 2 9 hybrid combinations for the 950 1 × 8340 election 4 -1, two parental inbred lines are optional lines.