有机食品日益受到日本人的青睐,发展前景十分看好。日本食品市场的食品销售额约为 3330亿美元,其中标有“有机”字样的食品约占 1%左右。但有机食品的销售增长很快,年增长率达 10%以上。专家预测,在不久的将来,日本将成为世界上最大的有机食品销售市场。 日本传统的
Organic foods are increasingly favored by Japanese people and their development prospects are very promising. Food sales in the Japanese food market are about $ 333 billion, with about 1% of the food labeled “organic”. However, sales of organic food increased rapidly with an annual growth rate of over 10%. Experts predict that in the near future Japan will become the world’s largest organic food sales market. Japanese traditional