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背景:数学能力是人类智能结构中重要的基础能力之一,数学学习不良是掌握数学概念、进行抽象运算以及开始形成综合数学能力的关键期的学龄期儿童普遍的学习不良类型,但缺乏专用的筛查量表和参照常模。目的:建立适合中小学生基本数学能力测试量表的评定常模。设计:多阶段分层整群随机抽取横断面调查。单位:由华中科技大学同济医学院主持,北京市疾控中心、河北省疾控中心、哈尔滨医科大学、安徽医科大学、江苏省疾控中心、山东省疾控中心、湖南冷水江市疾控中心、中山医科大学、海南省疾控中心、华西医科大学、贵阳医学院、兰州医学院等单位协作完成。对象:在全国范围内共调查样本22039人,整群随机抽取城区和农村普通小学1~6年级的学生,共14693人,其中城市学生7377人,农村学生7316人。方法:于2003-06/09以普通小学1~6年级的学生为对象完成抽样调查。参照2000年第五次全国人口普查资料,以性别,民族,地域,城乡为标准,采用多阶段分层整群抽样方法,用《中国小学生数学基本能力测试量表》,对整群抽取的班级学生的数学能力进行团体测试。主要观察指标:数学运算能力、逻辑思维能力、空间-视觉能力等。结果:常模样本共14693人,其中城市学生7377人,农村学生7316人,全部进入结果分析。①城乡两样本儿童在本量表的各分测试得分均值均随年级而呈阶梯性增高,城乡样本各年龄组间测试得分比较(两两比较)差异有显著性意义(P<0.05);城区样本各年级组的测试得分高于相应年级组的农村样本(t=2.234~11.766,P<0.05)。分别建立城区(n=7377)和农村(n=7316)两套常模。②参照常模由转换T分及百分位P构成,估算了每一学期中和学期末的T分,并根据T分计算Z分,再求得正态分布下的概率函数P。③数学能力等级评价分为5等,即得分在x±s(P=16%~84%)的范围者为中等,得分在x+s与x+2s之间者(P=84%~97.5%)为中上,得分超过x+2s者(P>97.5%)为优秀,得分在x-s与x-2s之间者(P=16%~2.5%)为中下,得分低于x-2s者(P<2.5%)为较差。结论:常模样本构成比例与人口资料基本吻合,样本在各年级、男女性别分布基本均衡;城乡儿童的数学能力测试得分在大部分分测试中差异存在显著性意义有必要分别建立城区和农村两套常模。 Background: Mathematical abilities are one of the most important basic abilities in the human intelligence structure. Poor math learning is a common type of learning dysfunction in school-age children who master mathematical concepts, conduct abstract operations, and begin to form comprehensive math skills. However, Screening scales and reference norm. Objective: To establish a norm of assessment suitable for primary and secondary school students’ basic mathematical ability test scale. Design: A multi-stage stratified cluster random sampling cross-sectional survey. Unit: Chaired by Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Beijing CDC, Hebei CDC, Harbin Medical University, Anhui Medical University, CDC of Jiangsu Province, CDC of Shandong Province, CDC of Hunan Lengshuijiang City , Zhongshan Medical University, Hainan CDC, Huaxi Medical University, Guiyang Medical College, Lanzhou Medical College and other units to complete the collaboration. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 22 039 samples were surveyed across the country. The entire cluster randomly selected students from grade 1 to grade 6 in urban areas and rural primary schools for a total of 14,693 students, including 7377 urban students and 7316 rural students. Methods: A sample survey was conducted on students from 1st to 6th grade in primary schools in 2003-06 / 09. With reference to the data of the fifth national census in 2000, adopting the multistage stratified cluster sampling method based on the criteria of gender, ethnicity, region, urban and rural areas, and using the “Chinese Primary Pupils’ Mathematical Basic Ability Test Scale” Student’s math ability to conduct a group test. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Mathematical computing ability, logical thinking ability, space - visual ability and so on. Results: A total of 14693 samples of ordinary model, of which 7377 urban students, rural students 7316, all entered the result analysis. (1) The mean score of each test score of children in both urban and rural areas increased stepwise with the grade in all scales of this scale, and there was a significant difference (all P <0.05) in the test scores among all age groups in urban and rural areas (P <0.05) The test score of each grade group in the sample was higher than that of the rural sample in the corresponding grade group (t = 2.234 ~ 11.766, P <0.05). Two sets of norm, namely urban area (n = 7377) and rural area (n = 7316), were established respectively. (2) According to the norm of normalization, it consists of the conversion T and the percentile P, and estimates the T points in each semester and the end of the semester. Calculates the Z points according to the T points and then obtains the probability function P in the normal distribution. (3) The grade of math ability is divided into five grades, that is, the score is moderate in the range of x ± s (P = 16% ~ 84%), the score is between x + s and x + 2s %) Was excellent, scoring more than x + 2s (P> 97.5%) was excellent, and the score was lower between xs and x-2s (P = 16% -2.5% (P <2.5%) were worse. Conclusion: The proportions of norm samples are basically consistent with the population data. The samples have a basically equal distribution of gender in all grades. The scores of maths ability tests in urban and rural areas are significant in most of the sub-tests. It is necessary to establish the urban and rural areas respectively Set of norm.
<正> 治疗方法:先将仙人掌两面的毛刺用刀刮去,然后剖成二半,用剖开的一面敷于足跟部疼痛处,外用胶布固定,敷12小时后再换半片;冬天可将剖开的一面放在热锅内烘三,四分钟,待
<正> 跟痛(除外伤、疮疡所致之外),古人称为“气落底”。其证不红不肿,其色不变,跟底部位压痛明显,初走痛甚,活动轻时,则痛减或不痛,但活动过久,疲劳时则痛又增加,并有疲劳后
<正> 笔者于1983—1987年,用自拟中药“跟痛愈”浸洗方治疗78例足跟痛患者疗效显著,现小结如下。一、一般资料1.性别与年龄:78例患者中,男性36例,女性42例。年龄在20—30岁的
<正> 编辑同志: 读贵刊1987年第2期李笔怡《硫磺在内科临床应用举隅》一文之(五)“足跟痛”方后,采用该文经验,临床连续治疗3例足跟痛患者,均获痊愈。择一例介绍如下,以资佐