本文报道超声波引导下甲状旁腺内注射乙醇治疗甲状旁腺机能亢进症获明显疗效1例。 患者女性,81岁,87年5月17日发生意识障碍(Ⅱ度,-200)及右侧偏瘫,次日入院。入院时意识障碍(Ⅱ度,-30),血压170/100mmHg,心律齐,78次/分,颈部无肿块。右下肺野听诊有湿罗音。血沉中度加速,W.B.C.增加,CRP强阳性,尿潜血阳性(+),但肾机能正常。血清钠、钾、氯及AL-P正常;血清钙及游离钙显著增加,血清磷降低。
This article reports the ultrasound-guided parathyroid injection of ethanol in the treatment of hyperparathyroidism was a significant effect in 1 case. Female, 81 years old, with disturbance of consciousness (grade II, -200) and right hemiplegia on May 17, 1987, were admitted the next day. Admission disorder (degree II, -30), blood pressure 170 / 100mmHg, rhythm Qi, 78 beats / min, neck no lumps. Lower right lung field auscultation wet rales. Moderately accelerated ESR, W.B.C. increased, CRP strongly positive, positive urine occult blood (+), but normal renal function. Serum sodium, potassium, chlorine and AL-P normal; serum calcium and free calcium increased significantly, serum phosphorus decreased.