银杏为雌雄异株,自然条件下风媒传粉。银杏具有极高的经济价值和药用价值,近几年,各地营建了大面积的果用银杏园,如何合理地配置雄株?我们对家前屋后和成片园里已开花的雄树进行了调查,初步探讨了雌雄株配置比例,为发展果用银杏配置雄树提供依据。1 试验地概况试验地
Ginkgo biloba is dioecious, wind pollination under natural conditions. Ginkgo has a very high economic value and medicinal value, in recent years, around the construction of a large area of fruit ginkgo garden, how to configure a reasonable male? We conducted a survey on the flowering male trees in the front of the house and in the park, and discussed the proportion of male and female plants preliminarily, which provided the basis for the development of the male tree. 1 test to test the general situation