近年来,素有千岛之国之称的印尼,正大力发展旅游业,而且雄心勃勃地要使旅游业成为国家创汇的支柱产业。 为了给旅游业的腾飞打下坚实基础,印尼政府把发展交通运输事业摆在优先位置考虑,投入了巨额资金。印尼正计划在主要城市巴东(苏门答腊)、梭罗(爪畦)、龙目(巴淡)、乌戎潘当(苏拉威西)、万鸦老(苏拉威西)等地兴建和扩建大中型机场以适应空中客运量
In recent years, Indonesia, once known as the nation of the Thousand Island, is making great efforts to develop its tourism industry and is ambitious to make tourism a pillar industry for its country’s foreign exchange earnings. In order to lay a solid foundation for the tourism industry to take off, the Indonesian government has placed a huge amount of money in giving priority to the development of transportation and transportation. Indonesia is planning to build and operate in major cities Patong (Sumatra), Solo (Tapir), Lombok (Batam), Ujung Pangdang (Sulawesi), Manado (Sulawesi) Expand large and medium-sized airports to accommodate air traffic