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马克思主义理论视域下的生态辩证法是运用马克思主义的立场、观点和方法研究“人—自然”系统的生成、演化和发展的普遍规律的科学。因此,“人—自然”系统的生成是首先要研究的问题。“人—自然”系统的生成不是预定的或既成的,而是经历了一个历史发生过程。它大体上经历了原始发生、社会生成和系统发生三个阶段。自然运动推动着自然系统从低级向高级、从简单向复杂演化,进而推动着“人—自然”系统原始发生。在自然运动的基础上,以劳动为基础和中介,产生了社会运动。这样,劳动就将自然和社会整合了起来。劳动推动着原初自然向人化自然和人工自然的生成,这也就是“人—自然”系统的社会生成。以劳动为中介进行的人与自然的物质变换生成不可分割的整体即“人—自然”系统,在这个系统里,人、自然、劳动、物质变换四者系统发生,成为一个有机整体。 The ecological dialectics from the perspective of Marxist theory is a science that uses the Marxist standpoint, viewpoint and method to study the universal law of the formation, evolution and development of the “human-natural” system. Therefore, the generation of “human-natural ” system is the first problem to be studied. The generation of the “human-natural” system is not a predetermined or an established one, but rather it has undergone a process of historical occurrence. It generally experienced three stages of primitive occurrence, social generation and system occurrence. Natural movement impels the natural system from low to high, from simple to complex evolvement, and then promotes the “human-natural” system to occur. On the basis of natural movement, labor-based and intermediaries have created social movements. In this way, labor integrates nature and society. Labor promotes the natural and artificial nature of primitive nature, which is also the social formation of “human - natural ” system. The material transformation between man and nature, which takes labor as an intermediary, generates an indivisible whole, that is, the “human-natural” system in which the four systems of human beings, nature, labor and material transformation occur systematically and become an organic whole.
目的探讨索他洛尔辅助用于快速室上性心律失常中的有效性。方法选取2010年~2013年来我院治疗的120例门诊快速室上性心律失常患者为研究对象,均给予24 h动态心电图检查,诊断为
目的 探讨血清内毒素(ET)和细胞角蛋白-18M30(CK-18 M30)在大鼠非酒精性脂肪性肝炎(NASH)中的表达及意义。方法 20只雄性SD大鼠,完全随机配对将6只分配到观测组,14只按体重配