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新语文教学大纲第一次明确规定了学生的课外阅读量,这表明我们对语文教学规律的认识有了新的提高。专家分析认为:以往语文教学质量不高,学生能力不强,原因是多方面的,但阅读量太少,语言积累不多,是一个十分重要的 For the first time, the new Chinese syllabus stipulates the amount of extracurricular reading, which shows that our understanding of the law of Chinese teaching has been greatly improved. Experts believe that: the quality of language teaching in the past is not high, students are not strong, for many reasons, but too little reading, language accumulation is not very important
近日,笔者作为评委参加市级优质课评选,在评选过程中,发现很多教师在讲课中表现出来的七大共性“硬伤”,我们经过研究制定了针对性的“治疗”方案,供教师上课时参考,    “硬伤”一学情了解被忽视    “症状”诊断  在优质课评比过程中,不少参赛教师由于忽视学情了解这一环节,导致教师授课的针对性不强、师生互动不和谐、教学目标达成度低,  “治疗”方案  教师讲优质课一般是借班上课,面对陌生的学生,准确