种子进入贮藏后,通过改善种子的贮藏条件,使种子在较长的贮藏时间内,保持种子的生命力。由于生产责任制的实施,大田种子都由各农户自行保管,为使种子能安全越冬,保证生产用种,不违农时,现谈一下高寒区大豆、玉米种子在贮藏期间的管理如下: 1 大豆大豆含有较高的油分和丰富的蛋白质,种皮较薄,吸湿力强,因此对大豆具体保管方法是: 1.1 大豆的含水量必须达到12%以下,最好在9
Seeds into storage, by improving the storage conditions of the seeds, so that the seeds in the longer storage time, to maintain the vitality of the seeds. Due to the implementation of the production responsibility system, the seeds of Daejeon are kept by the farmers themselves. In order to make the seeds safe and wintering and ensure that the seeds for production are not against agriculture, the management of soybean and corn seeds in the alpine region during storage is as follows: 1 Soybean Soybean contains high oil content and rich protein, the seed coat is thin, the hygroscopicity is strong, so the specific storage method for soybean is: 1.1 The moisture content of soybean must reach below 12%, preferably at 9