德国导演赫伯特·弗里奇(Herbert Fritsch),自1993年至2007年间是执掌柏林人民舞台(Berlin Volksbühne)的导演弗兰克·卡斯托弗(Frank Castorf)的“御用”演员。2008年,近耳顺之年的弗里奇演而优则导,正式涉足导演工作。其选取排演的剧作包括莫里哀、莎士比亚、豪普特曼、布莱希特、迪伦马特等人的名作,但其导演意图并不在于发掘文本与当下社会的结合点,而是以舞台上大胆的用色、演员夸张的肢体,赋予剧场以喜剧、闹剧的强烈表演风格。这对于素以强调严肃、社会功能的战后德国剧场
German director Herbert Fritsch, who was the “Queen’s” cast member of Frank Castorf in Berlin Volksbühne from 1993 to 2007, In 2008, near the earliest years of Freetz played the best guide, formally involved in the director’s work. The dramas of his rehearsal include masterpieces of Moliere, Shakespeare, Hauptman, Brecht, Dylan Matt and others. However, the director’s intention is not to discover the combination of the text and the current society, The bold colors on the stage, the exaggerated extremities of the actors give the theater a strong performance style of comedies and farce. This is a post-war German theater that emphasizes seriousness and social function