The world is by leaps and bounds. The world is rapidly modernizing. In order to realize the socialist modernization in our country, we need to understand the contents and trends of world modernization and understand the modernization paths in different countries. In the thirty years after the war, profound changes have taken place in the world in terms of science and technology, industrial and agricultural production, and even social structure and management. By the turn of the century, the face of these areas will be further changed. The modernization of the world contains many aspects. The modernization of production tools, the most significant. The progress of human society in the final analysis is caused by changes in the means of production. Historically, the development of production tools has gone through the era of mechanization, the mechanization and the era of humanization after the Second World War. The pre-mechanistic era, marked by the use of manpower and animal power, has undergone a long historical period.