2001年,可能是金蝶国际主席兼行政总裁徐少春人生中最具有里程碑意义的一年。 香港创业板的成功上市,硅谷办事处的设立,与Hyperion Solutions以及Stern Stewart公司结成策略性联盟,将EVA®软件解决方案引入中国,在经历了思念、成蛹、化蝶8年的“痛苦”过程后,当年靠5000元钱和一部286电脑起家的爱普电脑公司终于化成一只美丽的金蝶,展翅高飞
2001 may be the landmark year of Xu Shaochun’s life as Chairman and CEO of Kingdee International. The successful listing of the Hong Kong GEM, the establishment of the Silicon Valley Office, a strategic alliance with Hyperion Solutions and Stern Stewart, the introduction of EVA & reg software solutions into China, the “Pain” of eight years of miss, pupation and butterflies, After the process, the year by 5000 yuan and a 286 computer started Epson computer company finally turned into a beautiful Kingdee, fly high