浙江省绍兴市越城区孙端镇是个水乡农业小镇,镇域面积32.27平方公里,辖16个行政村,1个居委会。总人口3.9万人,其中常年外出经商、建筑人口8 500人,区域常住人口2.9万人。为更好地满足农民朋友们求知、求健、求乐、求会的多样性、多变性需求,丰富孙端人的精神文化生活,孙端镇建造了4 000平方米的综合文化服务中心,并于2016年12月
Sun Town, Yuecheng District, Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province is a waterfront agriculture town, the town covers an area of 32.27 square kilometers, administer 16 administrative villages, a neighborhood committee. The total population of 39,000 people, of which perennial business, construction population of 8,500 people, the resident population of 29000 people. In order to better meet the diversity and variability needs of peasants and friends, and to enrich the spiritual and cultural life of Sun Duanren, Sun Duanzhen built 4,000 square meters of comprehensive cultural service center, And in December 2016