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2010年10月中旬,6位国际设计艺术和设计教育界的专家:平野拓夫、克劳斯·雷曼、丹·博雅斯基、约里奥·索特马、阿兰·卡明斯和董伟齐聚清华大学美术学院,对学院的教学科研状况做了全方位的评估。在评估的末段,6位专家也接受了本刊的专访。谈及这次评估的意义,评估委员会主席平野拓夫先生说:“能够从世界各地邀请来不同国家和领域的专家对一个学科进行如此大规模的评估是很难办到的,而能够成功地举办这样一次会议,是清华大学向世界发出的一个讯号。”在采访过程中,我们也能真切地体会到各位专家对这次评估的热情以及对中国设计教育未来的希望。 In mid-October 2010, six experts in the international design arts and design education community gathered together: Hirano Hirano, Klaus Lehmann, Danny Beaujaski, Joelo Sotma, Alain Cummings and Dong Wei Tsinghua University, Academy of Fine Arts, College of teaching and research status made a comprehensive assessment. At the end of the assessment, six experts also accepted an interview with this magazine. Commenting on the significance of this assessment, Mr. Hirano Hirano, Chairman of the Evaluation Committee, said: “Being able to invite such experts from different countries and fields around the world to conduct such a large scale assessment of a subject is difficult to achieve. Holding such a conference is a signal sent by Tsinghua University to the world. ”During the interview, we were also able to truly appreciate the enthusiasm of experts in this assessment and the hope for the future of China’s design education.
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石诚带着他的孪生女儿来领奖2002中法“咪多”钢琴比赛 Shicheng took his twin daughter to receive the 2002 Sino-French “Mido” piano competition
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