“造原子弹的不如卖茶叶蛋的”,曾经有人这样“嘲笑”知识分子的窘迫收入。 如今,“知识就是生产力、知识就是财富”被人所共识。知识经济已初见端倪,对知识分子及其创造性劳动给予的更富活力的物质报偿与社会激励机制也正在形成并日渐完善。 那么,各类知识分子的收入状况现在究竟如何?在国家统计局城市调查总队于2002年5—7月在河北、天津、山东、江苏、广东、四川、甘肃、辽宁等8个省(直辖市)对大、中、小城市3997户居民家庭进行的首次家庭财产问卷调查中,这个看
“Making atomic bombs is not as good as selling tea eggs,” and some people once “ridiculed” the embarrassing income of intellectuals. Today, “knowledge is productivity, knowledge is wealth” is the consensus. The knowledge-based economy has begun to take shape and the more dynamic material rewards and social incentives for intellectuals and their creative work are being formed and are being perfected. So what is the current income status of all kinds of intellectuals now? The survey team of the National Bureau of Investigation of Urban Statistics in eight provinces (municipalities directly under the Central Government) such as Hebei, Tianjin, Shandong, Jiangsu, Guangdong, Sichuan, Gansu and Liaoning from May to July 2002, In the survey of 3997 households in large, medium and small cities for the first time in the family property survey,